Friday, September 30, 2011

Harvesting Love | Jungle of Life

My wed?ding anniver?sary was last?week.

10 years ago I said I?d never get married.

I also said I?d never have?kids.

Now I?m mar?ried with kids and it?s the most bril?liant ride I?ve been on thus?far.

And, any?one with a spouse and two kids under 2.5 knows, it?s a lot. I mean, a lot. Life has turned up the heat and I?m ripen?ing in the most help?ful of?ways.

The more I resist the heat, the more painful my life is. The more I sur?ren?der to the heat and what is occur?ring, the more I enjoy the?ride.

The Fall Equinox just hap?pened and this past week?end was my wed?ding anniversary.

The Autum?nal equinox is a time of tran?si?tion where light and dark are bal?anced. Dark?ness is now slowly over?tak?ing the light as we move toward winter.

The equinox always asks me to pay close atten?tion to my life. It is a won?der?ful time to focus on bal?ance and to reap what I?ve sewn from the summer.

What am I har?vest?ing right?now?

And since I?m all about love these days, what am I har?vest?ing rela?tion?ally. How are my inti?mate relationships?

My rela?tion?ships help me see how much joy or pain I am expe?ri?enc?ing in life.?By using other peo?ple, mainly my wife and kids, I can begin to see where I am open?ing and clos?ing down to?love.

If I want to expe?ri?ence more love, I eval?u?ate my relationships.

Four years ago my wife and I mar?ried our?selves in the Utah desert. This past Sun?day we had our baby sit?ter watch our kids while we walked to the park hand in hand (This kind of date is a rare moment for us sleep-deprived new parents).

Our inten?tion was to review and update our wed?ding vows. ?To ?check in? with where we are as a partnership.

So, under the shade of a giant maple tree we pulled out our jour?nals from that time and took turns read?ing our vows and commitments.

We gazed at each other as we read each one and reflected upon it. As our eyes met, they welled with tears of love and grat?i?tude. The depth of our con?nec?tion was right there, puls?ing and vibrant.

We noticed how true each vow still was and how ?on? we were with each back then. Each vow was a bold, yet vul?ner?a?ble state?ment about con?nec?tion to self and other. ?We didn?t add any new ones as our orig?i?nal vows are still hit?ting the?mark.

My heart kept open?ing wide as I gazed into her eyes. I felt so awake and clear.?I felt my deep love for her and we smiled and cried. ?We laughed at the insan?ity of rais?ing two amaz?ing kids and the relent?less?ness of our?lives.

A sim?ple yet pro?found con?nec?tion in a short win?dow of?time.

We walked back home to baths and bed?time sto?ries with our children.

So ask your?self, how can I har?vest more love using my close rela?tion?ships?

Here are a few?ideas?

  1. Take inven?tory of your clos?est rela?tion?ships. Reflect on ?what is so? about each one. Notice which are nour?ish?ing and which are deplet?ing.
  2. Make a list of peo?ple who you want to move closer to (friends, fam?ily, co-workers etc)
  3. Now pick only one.
  4. Ask your?self if you want more close?ness and con?nec?tion to this per?son. If yes, move on to step 5.
  5. Do a rela?tion?ship review with these friends. This can help you deter?mine what?s been in the way and if the other per?son also wants to move closer. Are they a per?son that is worth the poten?tial invest?ment? Prac?tice hon?est truth telling and trust they can take care of them?selves. You don?t need to pro?tect them from their feel?ings. If it?s your spouse, per?haps it can be a time to review your wed?ding vows or com?mit?ment to each other.
  6. Notice if you are mak?ing your desire to move closer depen?dent on the other per?son chang?ing and instead, con?sider work?ing with the prac?tice of accep?tance. Check in with your real motives. Am I try?ing to change them so that I can feel less agi?tated? Or am I will?ing to stay on my side and work with what?ever my agi?ta?tion is about in me?
  7. How was this process? Share your expe?ri?ence with each other. Let them know what it was like and what you learned about your?self.
  8. Pick a new per?son and share this process with them as an exam?ple of how you want to move closer to them?too.

In a way, my wife and I are start?ing this autumn anew, freshly con?nected, and actively engaged in our part?ner?ship. We are har?vest?ing the love big?time.

I?m using my fam?ily to prac?tice accept?ing more and open?ing to more and more love. When I treat my rela?tion?ships as ?prac?tice? in this way, it takes me out of a vic?tim stance rela?tion?ally and into a place of aware?ness, choice, and strength.

Decide what you want to har?vest and with whom. Then, dive in and practice.

by Jayson Gad?dis

Jayson Gad?dis, MA, LPC, CGT is a rela?tion?ship psy?chother?a?pist devoted to help?ing peo?ple awaken through rela?tion?ship and inti?macy. He?s call?ing in a new par?a?digm of con?nec?tion, deep rela?tion?ship, and fam?ily. Jayson is a hus?band and part-time stay-at-home Dad get?ting schooled by his two?kids.

Jayson Gaddis


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Submitted by: SamanthaRodgers
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Submitted on : Wed, 28 Sep 2011 Time: 4:57 AM
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Purifying our Hearts at U of T (Session 1 with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani ...

Today was the first session of Shaykh Faraz?s Purification of the Heart class at the University of Toronto, and you could literally feel the excitement in the air before the class began. The turnout was great, the class was excellent, and everyone commented how lovely it is to have a class downtown in such an accessible space. (Though alhamidullah I?ve been in Toronto for more than a year now, ?there are days where i can?t quite get over the blessings in this city, and today was definitely one of those days). I could never imagine such easy access to scholars during my undergraduate years in Vancouver. Many thanks to the MSA and Shaykh Faraz for creating such a lovely learning opportunity! For those not in town, parts of my notes are below.

  1. There are many definitions of spirituality (over 200!) and each definition highlights a different aspect of spirituality. The central concern of spirituality is purification of the heart.
  2. Important verse to remember often and even put on your wall to remind yourself is Surah 33, verse 21: ?Truly you have in the Messenger of Allah the most beautiful of examples for whoever longs for Allah and the last day and makes much remembrance of Allah.
  3. This verse teaches us our goal (longing for Allah and the Last Day) and whatever we?re doing, whether smelling a rose, studying at uni, making coffee, whatever it is, we should seek Allah and the Last Day. The verse also teaches us the means to our goal is the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and it teaches us that we are on a journey of making much remembrance of Allah. The point of the path is the destination, and each person will find what they seek.
  4. So spirituality has goals, means and methods. This is not simply an academic exercise, this is religious teaching. Purpose is not religious information, it is guidance meant to transform you.
  5. Imam Ahmad Zarruq, who is often called the Ghazali of North Africa, said that spirituality is ?truly turning to Allah, as He has commanded, in ways that are most pleasing to Him.
  6. Imam Suyuti said spirituality is ?turning one?s heart completely to Allah and deeming all else paltry in comparison?
  7. When the Angel Jibril asked: ?So tell me about the spiritual excellence (ihsan). He (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: ?Spiritual excellence is to submit to Allah as though you behold Him. And if you behold Him not, then to know that He beholds you.
  8. We cannot simply decide to reach these states though, these states are the fruits of spiritual striving. States are consequent upon striving in a particular way to a clear end. So hope for high state, and if fall short, be conscious that He beholds you.
  9. Ihsan is doing something with virtue, doing something with a beautiful manner.
  10. From the Hadith of Electhood, we learn that?spirituality?is fulfillment of obligations and striving in?supererogatory?works. If you think of the metaphor of a court, who is in greater danger, the one who makes claims of love and makes false claims, or the person who has not attempted to make claims of love? If make a claim, have to think about where is the proof. If can do path with resolve and determination, do so.
  11. Spirituality has three aspects, knowledge, action and states. Need all three, knowledge, outward action and inward states.
  12. There are two aspects: you turning to Allah with excellence, and Allah turning to you with His Favour.
  13. Difference between true spirituality and false spirituality. True?spirituality?is about Allah. False spirituality is about you, about self reform, about self improvement. Similiarly there is false love which is where one is either in love with love itself, or with themselves, and there is true love, where you are in love with beloved. Some people love but it is all about themselves.
  14. Should strive to have heart that is completely upright in love of God.
  15. Reflect on the hadith of intention. ?Actions are by intentions. And each person shall have what they intended?. (Bukhari and Muslim) ?The two most important words in the hadith are the words by and whatever. We see this in the second part of the hadith which is: ?So whoever?s migration is to Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) their migration is indeed to Allah and His Messenger.? The important thing is that a?physical migration from Makkah to Madinah is being described in the hadith as being to Allah and His Messenger due to intention.
  16. Remember: Actions are lifeless forms whose life-giving spirit is the secret of sincerity within them.
  17. Allah is telling us to aim high because a person will have whatever they intended. So in anything, seek Allah?s love, acceptance and pleasure. To praise Allah when drinking and eating is a beloved action. Everything we do and every aspect of our lives, ?should do sincerely for sake of Allah. Should seek to have heart pure of?the?qualities that distance us from?Allah.
  18. ?Spirituality is concerned with perfection and excellence, fiqh is about validity
  19. Seeker needs four things: adherence to principles, true aspiration, longing, and leaving all that holds you back (habits that disadvantage you, sins that darken heart for example)
  20. Shaykh Faraz summary: This is a high way: following what is best, adhering to the true form and spirit of the sunnah, according to the way of the early Muslims; learning and living beneficial knowledge, in the best of ways; seeking Allah in all matters, His closeness and good pleasure.
  21. Best you can seek is what He seeks from you in the moment He has placed you in.

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Window of opportunity to treat some stroke patients may be longer than originally suspected

Window of opportunity to treat some stroke patients may be longer than originally suspected

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stroke victims may have a longer window of opportunity to receive treatment to save their brain cells, demonstrates a literature review published by University of Alberta medical researchers in Lancet Neurology.

The review, which was published online last week, was written by Ashfaq Shuaib and his colleagues. Shuaib, the senior author, is a researcher in the Division of Neurology with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta. He is also a practising neurologist and a stroke specialist.

Literature reviews, which bring together large amounts of information from numerous studies, is one form of clinical research often referred to as health-outcomes research. This kind of "translational" work is valuable, since it synthesizes knowledge that lab researchers know and analyzes it for practising physicians so they can provide better patient care. The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry has special expertise in conducting sophisticated health-outcomes research ? taking knowledge "from bench to bedside."

Shuaib reviewed stroke studies that examined the use of imaging to measure blood flow in the brain after a stroke. The literature was written from 1980 to July 2011. His review notes that using advanced neuroimaging, such as multi-dimensional brain CT scans and MRIs, can provide physicians important information about blood flow in the brain following a stroke. This information could enable doctors to provide better treatment to prevent brain cells from dying, through the use of techniques to increase blood flow in the brain.

The review noted that the presence of good "collateral" blood flow in the brain can "sustain brain tissue for hours" after major arteries to the brain have been affected by a stroke, and this flow could potentially offset injury to the brain. Enhancing or maintaining strong blood flow is a potential therapeutic treatment for stroke; it is currently under investigation in several stroke centres around the world, he says.

Shuaib's review notes that stroke is the second most common cause of death, with the majority of the 16 million cases happening in developed nations. A lack of blood flow is the primary cause of a stroke. It is typically triggered by a blockage in a brain artery due to arteries thinning from a build-up of plaque, or by a mass from the heart or neck vessels restricting blood flow to the brain.

Normal blood flow in the brain is between 50-60 ml/100g/minute. If someone suffers a stroke and blood flow levels in the brain fall below 10 ml/100g/minute, brain cells die within minutes of the stroke. However, if blood flow in the brain is between 10-20ml/100g/minute, "the neurons cease function but remain structurally intact and are potentially revivable if normal blood flow is restored," Shuaib says in the review.

He further adds that brain cell death after a stroke may not be complete for hours or even days after a stroke, meaning that the window to treat some stroke patients is longer than three hours ? the standard timeframe that has been referenced in medicine since the 1990s. Shuaib says cell death can be complete within as little as an hour in some people following a stroke, while other patients have viable brain tissue and cells for days or indefinitely after a stroke. And with current imaging technology, physicians can determine whether brain cells are dead or have simply ceased functioning post-stroke.

"What we're recommending is, don't look at the window of time only, look at the important tissue window which may be quite prolonged in many patients," says Shuaib. "Don't just say, 'oh this person had a stroke 4.5 hours ago, end of story.' This person may have very good tissue you could treat."


University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry:

Thanks to University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry for this article.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ppc Marketing Forum- Free Helpful Hint For Pay Per ... - Wean Online

Ppc Marketing Forum- Free Helpful Hint F?r Pay Per Click Marketing Companies

Condition b? pawan tiwari

Internet promotion ??n b? a very exciting, challenging ?nd rewarding business. In fact, ?f done correctly ?t ??n b? one ?f th? best careers ?n? one self ??n try. B?t, th? struggle ?? fierce, ?nd th? culture curve dr??df?ll? steep. B?t, d? n?t give up; th?? shared marketing tip ??n h?l? even th? greenest ?f amateurs ?t?rt th? r?ght way.

I ?m very sure th?t ???r chase f?r ppc marketing publishers h?? arrived t? ?n ?nd ?? ??? study th?? condition. Yes, those days ?r? gone wh?n w? h??? t? search continuously f?r ppc marketing publishers ?n rank ?r ?th?r such ?n rank l?k? engine marketing placement ppc search, pay per click submission, adhd ?n?w?r? matter-?f-fact interventions f?r parents ?f adhd children ?r even multivariate testing. Even lacking articles such ?? th??, w?th th? Internet ?ll ??? h??? t? d? ?? ?l?t ?n ?nd ??? ?n? ?f th? search engines t? find th? ppc marketing publishers ?n rank th?t ??? required.

Th? keywords ??? pick h??? a h?g? impression ?n th? sort ?f transfer ??? receive ?nd th? success ?f ???r campaigns. Always select th? m??t embattled keywords doable t? m?k? fastidious th?t ???r adverts ?r? ?? relevant ?? doable. Try t? g?t th? keyword somewhere ?n th? ad copy ?nd th? upstairs hallway pages ?? th?? m?? m?k? sure m??t relevancy ?nd th? highest doable quality score.

Again th?? ?? a further variable th?t ??n m?k? ?r br??k ???r campaign. Oftentimes marketeers w?ll lose cash f?r th? first link ?f days even ?? th?? split test different adverts t? find th? best ones. Split testing means ?n succession numerous advertisements against one a further t? determine wh??h ones convert th? best. Y?? g?t rid ?f th? weaker th? acting ones ?nd keep th? stronger ones. Fr?m th?r? ??? change fastidious variables ?n th? stronger th? acting ones ?nd try ?nd m?k? th?m stronger. F?r occasion ??? ???ld try 2 versions ?f a title f?r ?n advert ?nd keep th? stronger architect.

MEANWHILE ? I hope ??? h??? b??n ?bl? t? g?t a full grasp ?f th? main points correlated t? ppc marketing publishers ?r ?th?r correlated pay per click affiliate marketing, pay per click condition, adwords xwiki com ativan bin b?? view xwiki xwiki, pay per click banner publicity,?nd ?n th? first half ?f th?? condition. Whether ??? ?n?w?r Yes ?r N?, keep conception ?? th?r? ?? a lot more t? uncover ?n th?? condition th?t w?ll excite ???.

Fastidious search network advertisements ??n draw ?? high ?? Ten t? Fifteen % click through rates. Don?t estimate ?? high click thru rates w?th th? content network even ?f. A high 1st click thru rate ??n b? reached b? behest high t? ?t?rt t? guarantee top positioning ?nd th?n slowing reducing bids even ?? still maintaining ????ll?nt click through rates ?nd positions. Take benefit ?f position preferences t? guarantee ???r adverts ?nl? g?t impressions ?n th? top Five t? 8 a skin condition.

Th?? ?? a large subject! Y?? need t? try ?nd d? again th? keyword ?r axiom ?n th? Ad ( ideally ?n th? title ). Google presupposes th?t ?f ??? d? again wh?t th? searcher h?? typed ?n th?n ???r ad ?? vastly l?k?l? t? b? relevant. Don?t continue a sentence fr?m one line t? th? next. Write a n?w sentence ?n each line. M?k? th? m??t ?f th? first epistle ?f each word. Th?? facility! I d? n?t know wh?, b?t ?t d??? ?? d? ?t.

CLOSING REMARKS ? Whether ???r direct quest ?? ppc marketing publishers ?r ?th?r pay per click marketing jobs, pay per click transfer, hva er forskjellen p adsense og adwords, pay per click campaigninformation, th?? condition m??t h??? h?l??d, r?ght?

If ????d l?k? t? gather more ?n deepness pay per click promoting tips ?r merely t? find out more ?n th?? area online marketing

Web top/Enhancement services early ?t 9. W? ?l??? forward ?nl? one ?f ?t? kind designs th?t contain SEO services. ?w? focus ?n merging usability ?nd functional website top t? achieve th? m??t powerful online results ?t th? m??t practically priced rates. ??r services ?l??? forward tremendous confidential concentration t? each ?f ??r clients, ?n ?n? case ?f h?w large ?r t?n? th? project.?

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    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    Lindsay Lohan is the new face of Philipp Plein

    First, Ali Lohan's new face, and now Lindsay Lohan's?! Well, kind of.

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    The party gal and "Mean Girl" actress has scored a new gig ? as the face of fashion designer Philipp Plein's line.

    RELATED: Lindsay Lohan Is This Week's Most Valuable Partyer!

    LiLo was annointed the new face o' Plein Saturday in Milan, Italy, where she appeared alongside the designer in a sleek, tight black dress.

    Lindsay reportedly posed and answered questions about her new job, which is posing for photo spreads and such. Hey, it might not be acting but at least she's getting paid!

    And per the designer's press release, she's also getting a little appreciation: "Lindsay is a beautiful, highly acclaimed actress and model. We will be able to create unique images: Refined and luxurious, but also full of sensuality."

    MORE: Ick Alert! Lindsay Lohan Caught Canoodling...This Time With Her, Um, Mom

    Could the gig put Lindsay back on the path of findng her career?

    Only time will tell. But we're guessing LiLo's ads will cause a stir ? just like she always does.

    CHECK OUT: Fashion Week Spring 2012 Runaway Rundown

    ? 2011 E! Entertainment Television, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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    OF THE MOMENT: One family's adventures in localism (Providence Journal)

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    Saturday, September 24, 2011

    Exposure to Real Estate of U/KBs


    As of end-June 2011, the combined exposure to the real estate sector of universal and commercial banks (U/KBs) and thrift banks (TBs)? increased anew by 6.2 percent to P472.3 billion from previous quarter?s P444.9 billion and by 15.2 percent from year ago?s P410.0 billion.

    The additional exposure for the quarter came primarily from real estate loans (RELs), which grew by 6.2 percent to P459.9 billion while investments in securities issued by real estate companies contributed a marginal increment of 4.8 percent to P12.4 billion.

    Majority of the real estate exposure were RELs capturing 97.4 percent share while the remaining 2.6 percent were in the form of investments in securities issued by real estate companies.

    By industry, a significant portion of the exposure was held by U/KBs at 76.2 percent (P359.9 billion) share while the remaining 23.8 percent (P112.4 billion) was accounted for by TBs.

    The P26.8 billion additional RELs in the second quarter of 2011 came from the P20.5 billion expansion in commercial RELs and the P6.3 billion growth in residential RELs. In terms of share, commercial RELs held the bulk at 56.9 percent (P261.5 billion) of total RELs while the remaining 43.1 percent (P198.4 billion) were residential RELs.

    About 70.2 percent (P243.8 billion) of U/KBs? RELs were for commercial purposes while 29.8 percent (P103.7 billion) were for residential purposes. On the other hand, RELs granted by TBs were mostly concentrated in financing the acquisition, construction and/or improvement of residential units that are or will be occupied by individual/household borrowers. These comprised 84.3 percent (P94.7 billion) of total RELs while the remaining 15.7 percent (P17.6 billion) were used for the construction and development of real estate properties for commercial purposes.

    Despite the higher level of RELs, the ratio of RELs to total loan portfolio, exclusive of interbank loans (TLP) declined to 14.3 percent from last quarter?s 14.7 percent as the 9.6 percent expansion in TLP outpaced the 6.2 percent growth in RELs. Likewise, this quarter?s ratio was lower than year ago?s 14.8 percent. By industry, RELs to TLP ratios of both U/KBs and TBs went down to 12.2 percent and 31.0 percent from previous quarter?s 12.3 percent and 32.8 percent, respectively.

    Non-performing RELs declined by 1.1 percent to P25.9 billion from last quarter?s P26.2 billion. Consequently, the ratio of non-performing RELs to total RELs improved to 5.6 percent from previous quarter?s 6.1 percent. As a percentage of TLP, delinquent RELs also eased to 0.8 percent from last quarter?s 0.9 percent.

    Meantime, non-performing residential RELs ratio at 5.1 (the same last quarter) was better vis-?-vis the non-performing commercial RELs ratio at 6.1 percent (from 6.9 percent).

    By industry, U/KBs have a better quality of RELs with non-performing RELs ratio at 5.6 percent compared to the 5.7 percent ratio posted by TBs.

    Investments in debt securities issued by and in equity securities of real estate companies rose by 4.8 percent to P12.4 billion from last quarter?s P11.9 billion and by 6.2 percent from year ago?s P11.7 billion. Debt securities held the lion?s share of the total real estate investments at 69.9 percent (P8.7 billion) while the remaining 30.1 percent (P3.7 billion) were equity securities. Only U/KBs have exposure to real estate investments.

    The ratio of combined RELs and investments to the real estate industry to TLP plus total debt and equity investments stood at 9.7 percent, higher than last quarter?s 9.5 percent and year ago?s 9.3 percent.

    View Table


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    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Free SEO ToolsBack links ?-an important SEO tool for online ...

    Free SEO Tools

    Back links are an important SEO tool that helps you to promote your business online. You can provide back links in your free articles that helps you to introduce your website on different websites. Free article submission to different websites helps you to add as many back links of your website to different websites. It is a cost effective and best way to promote your website business by adding back links in your free articles. Your back links should be well formatted. Any break up link will not be accepted and you will lose your customers. In links and out links should be provided together so that customers have an easy access to different pages of your websites.

    You can provide your back links to different pages that will help the customers to open a particular page. You should update the content of your website regularly so that the customers remain interested in your website and they have an interest in your website.? Try to provide good and genuine back links in your articles. Back links help you to promote your business easily and it is the safe and cheap method. You can provide links to different pages of your website in different articles. Submitting free articles to different websites is an important SEO technique that may help you to boost up your online business.

    You may also add backlinks of other related companies in your website. This also helps to increase the number of customers to your site. By exchanging links with different companies you can make a good profit and increase your sales. For promotion of sales and products in online business back links form an essential and important tool that is easy to use. You can write several free articles for different websites and add your links to all the articles at different websites. Thus, by link building you may improve your number of customers and promote your business. When you enter in new online business then providing back links through free articles at different articles is a good way of marketing your product and website. Thus, if you have entered into a new online business you have to carefully introduce your product in the market by using different marketing techniques.

    Dev Richard -
    About the Author:

    More Articles is a great resource for Dev Richard Blogs


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    Senate Democrats vow to reject clean energy cuts (AP)

    WASHINGTON ? With the economy sputtering, the warring factions of Congress headed toward gridlock late Thursday over the usually noncontroversial process of approving disaster aid or even keeping the government from shutting down.

    GOP leaders took the spending package to the House floor Thursday night for the second time in as many days, after adding $100 million in savings from a program that financed a federal loan to the now-bankrupt solar panel maker Solyndra Inc.

    The leader of the Senate countered that majority Democrats will reject the bill as soon as it reaches their chamber on Friday ? continuing the partisan war into the weekend and increasing the chances that the government's main disaster account might run dry early next week.

    Democrats want almost double the $3.7 billion in disaster aid called for by House Republicans and strongly oppose cuts to two clean energy programs demanded by the GOP House.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the House plan "is not an honest effort at compromise..... It will be rejected by the Senate."

    More broadly, the renewed partisanship sends a discouraging sign as a bitterly divided Washington looks ahead to more significant debates on President Barack Obama's jobs plan and efforts by a congressional supercommittee to slash deficits.

    The maneuvering started as Republicans controlling the House moved to resurrect the disaster aid package after an embarrassing loss Wednesday. Instead of reaching out to Democrats, House GOP leaders looked to persuade wayward tea party Republicans to change their votes and help approve the assistance ? and try to force Senate Democrats into a corner with little choice but to accept cuts to clean energy programs they favor.

    "We're fed up with this," said Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, Democratic Whip. "They know what it takes for us to extend (stopgap funding) and keep the government in business. And this brinksmanship ... we're sick of it."

    Unless Congress acts by midnight next Friday, much of the government will shut down. More immediate is the threat that the government's main disaster aid account will run dry early next week.

    "The Senate should pass this bill immediately, and the President should sign it, because any political games will delay FEMA money that suffering American families desperately need," said Michael Steel, spokesman for GOP House Speaker John Boehner.

    The battling came as the stock market absorbed heavy losses and pessimism about the economy deepened. The arguing was reminiscent of the poisonous atmosphere of this summer rather than lawmakers' more recent promises to work together to find common ground where possible.

    Obama hardly sounded conciliatory as he pressed for action on his jobs bill at an Ohio River bridge that links Speaker Boehner's home state of Ohio with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell's Kentucky. Echoing Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall, Obama intoned, "Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell, help us rebuild this bridge."

    In Washington, Wednesday's embarrassing 230-195 defeat of the disaster aid bill in the GOP-majority House exposed divisions within the Republican Party that demonstrated the tenuous grip that Boehner has on the chamber. Forty-eight Republicans opposed the measure, chiefly because it would permit spending at the rate approved in last month's debt pact between Boehner and Obama, a level that is unpopular with tea party lawmakers.

    GOP leaders maneuvered to win a vote on the largely identical measure by arguing to wayward Republicans that the alternative was to give Democrats a better deal by adding more disaster aid or decoupling it from $1.5 billion in spending cuts.

    "What we voted on yesterday was the best deal Republicans could get and it can only go downhill from here," said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y. "So we should try to revote again on the same bill we had yesterday, vote on it again, pass it this time, or if not we'll have to make concessions that would help the Democrats."

    Democrats opposed the legislation over $1.5 billion in accompanying spending cuts from an Energy Department loan program that helps automobile and parts manufacturers retool their plants to build fuel efficient vehicles.

    To those cuts, House leaders were adding another $100 million in savings from a loan guarantee program for renewable energy projects approved under the 2009 stimulus law. Congress set aside $2.4 billion in case some of the loans went bad, such as a $500 million-plus loan to now-bankrupt Solyndra Inc., a California-based solar panel maker effusively praised by Obama. The program expires anyway on Sept. 30.

    Time is running short.

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Thursday that the government's main disaster aid account is "running on fumes" and could be tapped out as early as early next week. She called on Congress to quickly resolve the problem or risk delays in getting disaster projects approved.

    "I'm hopeful that Congress will work this out in the next couple of days," Napolitano told The Associated Press as she flew to Joplin, Mo., to view tornado damage. "We have stretched this as far as it can go. We are scraping the bottom of the barrel."

    As of Thursday morning, there was just $212 million in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster relief fund. The failed House measure contains $3.7 billion in disaster aid, mostly for the FEMA fund. A rival Senate measure muscled through that chamber last week by Reid ? with the help of 10 Republicans ? would provide $6.9 billion.

    Republicans had hoped that once the House passes the measure, Senate Democrats would have had little choice but to accept it, especially with lawmakers eager to escape Washington for a weeklong recess. The move instead infuriated Democrats, who felt GOP leaders were trying to "jam" them into accepting the GOP bill.

    The drama and battling over disaster aid and stopgap spending is unusual. Such measures usually pass routinely since the alternative is shutting down much of the government and denying help to victims of floods, hurricanes and other disasters.

    What is more, the House GOP plan won bipartisan support in June when it passed as part of a broader homeland security spending bill. And the $3.7 billion in House aid would provide sufficient help while lawmakers work out a broader spending bill for the 2012 budget year beginning Oct. 1.

    Senate Democrats are instead insisting on fully funding most disaster aid programs as part of the stopgap measure, an unusual move.

    The current imbroglio illustrates the difficulty lawmakers are sure to have when trying to address tougher problems. The toughest task confronts the so-called supercommittee, which is supposed to come up with at least $1.2 trillion in deficit savings over the coming decade to implement the August budget and debt pact.

    The panel had its third public meeting Thursday, again exposing differences between Republicans and Democrats on taxes. The panel has until Thanksgiving to produce legislation ? and there's no sign yet of much progress toward agreement.

    Before Thursday night's eruption, the Senate had had an unusually productive week. For example, it voted Thursday to help American workers who fall victim to foreign competition. The move to renew expired portions of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which provides retraining and financial support for workers adversely affected by trade, sets the stage for Obama to submit trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.


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    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    Exactly what a Logo Design Can Do for the Good results of Your ...

    We can?t refute the fact in which organization logo plays an essential part in promoting your own business in the market. A company logo pinpoints a business by signifies of employing a straightforward mark or even image that makes your business well-known along with unforgettable to the consumers. It is a graphic identification of your company and it is services. A fantastic logo design is important in bringing in clients along with building a great 1st perception.
    A logo design offers a huge info in building a great image for your business. An expertly made logo can make a small business appear like a more established one. An excellent organization logo appeals to, produces requirement and also persuades the folks to answer to messages, along with the function of making a positive affect to the business. It can also illustrate stableness as well as reliability for your small business.
    The two main purpose of a logo to a firm is actually: initial, that works since a visual identity of your own business. A logo allows a company stand out between the competition. The logo can make your current business visible and well-known a person because an business or even firm. It may help to create a great graphic and personality for the business?. It generates a very good image of the business without detailed word. Second, inform the company history. An successful logo designs possess the potential to connect in a flash to the consumers using a quite short focus span. An excellent logo will enable you to find the awareness of your possibility customers. It informs individuals who your small business exist as well as ready to accommodate their requirements.
    A excellent design communicates the proper information concerning the business to the possibility immediately. A specialist business logo means that the concept actually reaches the market. Furthermore, logo needs to be memorable and unique then it will become less complicated for the market to acknowledge along with help the business make an excellent status. Great design gives a good impact, this may cause your own leads really feel like they will really determine what the design symbolizes. Logo wants to always be unique to stimulate his or her sense of knowledge to your business as well as make these people think your business is the solution to the requirements. On the other hand, poor logo design will miss to function their purpose to determine and also talk. It will always be incomprehensible, trivial and communicate irregular emails which will merely lead to distress of your visitors.
    Along with to guarantee the accomplishment of your own logo design it needs to be added to commercial design, creative case in point as well as great marketing. Most of these should come together to build a buy and sell identify that is distinctive in the market place knowning that symbolize precisely what your business does along with appears for.
    A company logo is incredibly vital in building a good presence in the market. It is vital in marketing your products; your own logo will be a rendering of your small business expressing ?Hello there! We all are present so we are generally the finest in this particular market.? Designing an efficient logo is just not an easy job and requirements a great deal of efforts. To possess an attractive and effective logo let the pros help you that will create the idea for anyone.

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    Proven Steps To Get The Most Leverage Out of Your Autoresponders

    Every Internet marketer knows the value of an autoresponder. Using an autoresponder services like GetResponse and Aweber will help you gain a lot more from your online business since they help you automate the email marketing of your online business. Yes, the autoresponder is the means by which you perform critical follow ups with your customers and prospects so you can turn them into new customers. It becomes easy for you to close in the sale and actually have them take action. We are about to talk more about some solid autoresponder tips and how to implement them most effectively.

    The only reason anyone subscribes to an autoresponder service is because they want to engage in list marketing. A call to action is something you must use but only in your promotional emails, and not all will be promos.

    Email copy is subject to the same concepts that copywriters use in sales copy, and that is where the call to action comes in to play. So whether you want your subscribers to click and download a free report or visit your sales page and buy a product, you have to make it crystal clear to them. This is something that has been proven to work, and that is really all that matters so just be sure to use it. You can go to Clickbank and see thousands of sales letters and they all have a call to action on them, hopefully.It is pretty amazing how much of a significant difference Commission Commando Review can have, of course you have to think about certain factors.What have just discussed is crucial for your understanding about Fast Cash Commissions, but there is much more to think about. But there is a great deal more that you would do well to study. We believe you will find them to be beneficial in a lot of ways.So take a close examination of what is necessary, and then carefully choose the correct CB Doctor points and information that is applicable.

    Have you ever used time sensitive marketing in your emails? No? Well, you can create coupons and do that and you should. But this is not any kind of obvious sell, and all you need to do is put a link and explain that it is time sensitive. The smart thing as always is to test your offers for effectiveness.

    Your email subject lines are critical to the success of your campaigns. You can find a lot of information about subject lines on the net, so be sure to do some research on it. But do be sure that your subject line related to the email content. Try to imagine what would make you want to open and read an email, and then you may have a good place to start.

    You can make excellent use of your autoresponder by building trust and giving them what they want. Make no mistake about the power of list marketing to propel you to success if used the right way. None of this is hard, but the people who do not see good results are usually skipping an important step or two.

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    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    Building a Massive Contact List: The Ultimate Guide ? Tips & Tactics

    I?ve said it many times before on this blog and I?ll keep on saying it. I even say it to my 7 week old son ? ?a business with no contact list is no business at all!? Actually I sing it and usually to a melody like ?If you?re happy and you know it?? or ?Ten green bottles?? But hey I?m sleep deprived so I have my excuses.

    A business needs new contacts in order to develop and grow. Therefore list building should be an essential activity for any one serious at developing their online presence.? If we had all the time in the world we could go out and meet people face to face and start to share with them how we have the solution to the problems that they are experiencing. However, in order to speak to as many people that you?d need to, in order to be successful, it would take you a fair bit of your time. In fairness this is viable for some high valued products and services. For most businesses though what is needed are ways to draw 1,000s of targeted people onto a web site and capture leads automatically. I spoke about the importance of lead capture online in a number of previous posts. In a way lead capture is step number 2 but step number 1 is attracting people to your web site in the first place.? At the heart of a good list building system there needs to be a number of different strategies to attract people to your website and then cpature their details and add them to your list. I have identified 19 powerful ways to magnetize people to your website. Each of these works well on its own, but when used together you?ll have enough traffic to build a massive contact list.

    1. Blog Commenting

    Build your list by offering some information of value on someone else?s blog ? and provide a link back to your own blog or web page. This list building strategy? is very effective. It works best if you actually provide content of value and not just the average ?Nice blog! Well done ? keep it going.? Instead try to offer a different perspective and give the blog owner and their readers a reason to check out your web site.

    2. Blog Widgets

    This is more about keeping your visitor on your web site once they have read your post. The longer they stay on your site the more likely they will be to sign up to your offer (and the more successful you?ll be at building your contact list). So consider adding a related posts widget ? these are effective in getting more people to read further posts that are related the one that they initially came to your web site to read. More visitor time on your blog the more successful your list building system will be.

    3. Ping Your Fresh Blog Material

    Sites like provide a service to up date a number of different search engines that your blog has been updated. This is a powerful way to attract people to your new content. Also if you use a WordPress blog you can set it to automatically trackback or pingback other blogs within WP?s dashboard.

    4. Free Premium Content

    White papers, ebooks and other PDFs are very effective methods to attract a lot of attention from your web sites audience. If you don?t have the time to write one yourself then consider a white label version that you can quickly edit for your business and then offer as a free incentive to capture leads. Or if you want a bespoke approach then write some new material yourself or contract a skilled writer via but make sure your content is fresh ? don?t just regurgitate what everyone else is saying ? have your own spin.? If you have great material you?ll have no problems in building your contact list.

    5. Write Testimonials To Build Your List

    Not testimonials for your own products or services from your own customers (although these in themselves are great social proof) but instead provide testimonials for other peoples products and services that are related to your niche. Mark yourself out as being knowledgeable within your niche. Compliment the product or service and find a hook to encourage the reader and/or web site owner to come visit your site. Great list building strategy to hook those already searching for what you have to offer.

    6. ?The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread Is Now Dead?

    Did you know? Twitter is dead! Yeah, it has been dead almost since its birth and every time it was pronounced dead again it attracted an avalanche of traffic from passionate Tweeters and those who hate Twitter. It works with other disciplines as well ? like life coaching is dead or Apple Mac is now dead! Just don?t apply this to human beings please! I?m sure that you will have seen this strategy play out a few times over the past few years ? there is a reason ? it works! Humans are curious by nature.

    7. Answering Questions To Build Your List

    Yahoo Answers is a bad resource for answers. In fact last time I dared surf there the question thread I was interested in was at least five years old. However, it is a great resource for questions along with Linked-In Answers. Also, forums are full of questions people ask. All you need to do is provide an answer and people will be so thankful that they?ll come visit your site and who knows even complete one of your conversion goals. There are many ways to do this and no right or wrong way of doing it. I link a specific squeeze page to my answer response so that I can track the success of this strategy.

    8. Blogging To Build Your List

    There are literally millions of blogs on the internet. Blogging in itself is not all that effective at drawing in traffic. Most blogs are about people pandering to their own vanity or about useless information. Worse still they attract zero traffic. Make sure that you have a goal for your blog. Make sure that you optimize your posts, make sure that you are adding value for your readers, make sure you are measuring the impact of your blog (e.g. how many conversions per day or per week, is it an effective list building system?). Do all this and blogging can be a fantastic way to mark yourself out in your niche.? Bloging can be a phenonmenal list building strategy which will aide you in building a massive contact list.

    9. Make Your Content Engaging

    If you write engaging content then people will want to read it and come back for more. Remember this little fact ? less than 20% of people will read the content of a blog post, whilst 80% of people will read the blog title. So make sure that the title will hook your readers in and then have good content to keep them hooked. The longer your reader is on your site the more chance you have of capturing their contact details and builidng your list. Don?t be lazy with title tags. Make sure your title tags contain calls to action that will make people click on them.

    10. Twitter Re-Visited

    OK it?s not new and people have a love/hate relationship with it. However, with over 100 million active users worldwide, there is little doubt that Twitter is capable of driving large quantities of traffic to all types of websites. This makes it a key player in your list building system. And did you know that there is a plug-in for Twitter that lets you automatically re-tweet old posts. This is useful for those who don?t have the time to tweet all day long and it?s a good way to continue sharing excellent content. Personally I set it to 1 ? 2 automated post a day because I hate seeing over automated tweet lines ? not a good look! Link back to resource page

    11. Manual Submission To Online Leading Directories

    This will never change, not in 2012 not in the next 10 years. If you want to build free targeted traffic and grow a massive contact list then you need your web sites page or post links stretching across the web. No better way to do this than by using online directories. These are way too valuable to ignore. Try to get into DMOZ, Ezilon, Yahoo and Bing directories. It?s hard to get in but once you do there is no way of stopping you on your listing building quest.

    12. Add Images To Help Build Your List

    More and more people are now using image searches. Sometimes this might not necessarily be to find your content but more around someone searching for an image for their own marketing. But because you have a great image they come to your web site intent on copying it. But low and behold you have a great title ? its grabbing.? So they stay and read. Oh and you have great related content.? So they stay and read some more. See where this is going? A real nice trick is to convert your ?call to action? into an image file. Doh just told you my mates IM secret ? how careless!

    13. Using Automated Back Links

    Now stop it! Do you really think that paying $19.97 for 10,000 back links to your web site is a good idea? I won?t insult your intelligence, but what I will say is if your content is good enough people will automatically link to you. Give up on getting useless links and concentrate on great content. Things that appear too good to be true usually are! Don?t fall victim to the lazy link builder!

    14. Use Humour To Help Build Your List

    Nothing builds rapport more with your audience than the use of humour. There are many great examples of humour on the internet, but in view the funniest site is This site is run by a guy who used to be an SEO expert and has now decided to move into the production of funny cartoons full time as he found humour to a real crowd puller. So follow his lead and consider adding humour to your website or develop a cartoon related to your niche like this you can create your own humorous cartoon at

    15. Being Controversial

    This is not for everyone. I have to say that from my experience it can work ? especially when it?s both humorous and has some underlying point to it. Must admit I?m not as comfortable with this one just because I?m a chilled out guy and I don?t take immense pleasure in rocking the boat. I tend to flirt with this and therefore my overall brand is not controversial, but posts where I have been controversial (on issues that I personally feel strongly about) are the ones that people have engaged in the most. But be careful not to simply spout out rubbish that is controversial for the sake of it ? your audience will get wise to your nonsense.

    16. Know Your Niche

    Part of why someone may want to follow you or connect with you or subscribe to your site is because you know something that they don?t. Someone wanting to build a massive contact list should keep on top of memes, read Reddit daily, use StumbleUpon, engage on Twitter, and read quality marketing News. You should conduct in-depth analysis around the communities that relate to your niche.

    17. Link To Authority Sites in Your Niche

    This needs to be well thought out. No point trying to offer a competitors audience directly the same products or services, but try to provide either added value content not already covered or offer an incentive for your competitor to link to your site ? maybe offer a commission for every x amount of people who either buy or subscribe to your site.? This can be a great way to build your list.

    18. Posting To Forums To Help Build Your List

    Spend 5 minutes at a time on each industry-related forum you can find that you think will be beneficial to your site, and post useful, insightful comments to build up your reputation. The benefits in the long run include reputation, trust and relevant visitors. This will help in giving you credibility which is a key factor in any good list building system.? Forget buying a forum spamming software tool. It won?t work ? it?ll only spam your post to forums where everyone else spams their posts and will therefore be lost in a mountain of spam that has never been read by anyone and never will be! Stop being lazy!

    19. Power of Video In List Building

    Create a great post.? Do hours of research.? Refine your post over time and just maybe on week 1 you?ll get on page 3-4 of Google (assuming that you?re going for a big ticket keyword).? By week 4 you may just have made page 1 or the top of page 2.? But shoot a video.? Add it to your post and watch with shear joy as it goes straight in on page 1 of Google for Video searches practically on day 1.

    This should be enough ideas to get you started with building your massive contact list.? Check back here as I?ll be adding more list building strategies over time as people share what works for them.? Also I conduct list building strategies research every week so that I keep up to date with what?s new.

    To Your Success,
    Howard Clemence
    Professional Internet Marketing Coach

    Author of How You Can Generate 50-100 Leads Per Day

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    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Rivals ask: Is Perry weak on the right, or left? (AP)

    WASHINGTON ? Rick Perry's Republican rivals are struggling to find a coherent, easy-to-grasp argument against the Texas governor, who tops GOP presidential polls despite attacks from all sides.

    In fact, it's the "all sides" nature that complicates the opposition's message. Republican voters who watched last week's presidential debate and its aftermath might wonder: Should I see Perry as too conservative or too moderate?

    Perry is the newest face in the GOP race and his opponents are determined to define him for primary voters, casting him as liberal, conservative and unelectable. They hope their characterizations of the front-runner take hold before he has a chance to sway opinions.

    Mitt Romney depicts Perry's criticisms of Social Security as too far to the right. "If we nominate someone who the Democrats could correctly characterize as being against Social Security, we will be obliterated as a party," the former Massachusetts governor said recently.

    On immigration, however, Romney and other opponents say Perry veers too far left. The governor opposes a fence along the entire border with Mexico, and he granted in-state college tuition to illegal immigrants in Texas.

    Meanwhile, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann leads a chorus that contends that Perry is too lax about individual freedoms because he wanted Texas to vaccinate all schoolgirls against a sexually transmitted disease.

    This anti-Perry strategy forces voters to sort through subtleties and contradictory narratives. Fair or not, it's easier for people to grasp bold, unambiguous images of politicians as conservative or liberal, strong or weak, and so on.

    Overall, Perry's record is mostly conservative. But he's parted ways with his GOP base on a handful of issues, including immigration and the vaccine for the human papillomavirus.

    Perry's rivals will get more chances to probe for political soft spots this week, in a series of forums in Florida and Michigan. On Thursday, Republicans candidates gather for another televised debate.

    For now, their tactic is to "criticize Perry on Social Security from one angle, and on immigration from the other," said Dan Schnur, a University of Southern California political scientist and veteran of several Republican campaigns.

    Terry Holt, a Washington-based GOP strategist, said Perry continues to do well because his opponents' criticisms are missing a broader point while barely denting his main strengths: His image as a bold, honest, can-do leader.

    "It's a bit too tactical, and it ignores the larger imperative: Can you be an alternative to the vision Barack Obama offers? Can you be authentic?" Holt said.

    Rich Galen, another veteran GOP campaign strategist, said the real goal of Perry's rivals is to convince enough Republican activists ? including those who like Perry ? that he can't defeat Obama.

    "What they're trying to do, really, is not influence Republican primary voters directly," Galen said. Instead, they want to convince "independents and moderates that Perry is not trustworthy or is too kooky."

    If die-hard conservatives believe crucial independent voters would reject Perry in November 2012, Galen said, they may turn to Romney or others, even if they like Perry's positions. "It's a bank shot," he said.

    Some Republican insiders question the strategy of trying to turn conservatives against Perry with the "he can't beat Obama" claim.

    "I don't think they can make that case," said Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., a 19-year House member. Perry has a good staff, strong fundraising skills and "a good story on jobs" as governor, said Kingston, who backs fellow Georgian Newt Gingrich in the presidential race.

    Schnur agreed. "Arguing electability is usually a loser in the presidential primary," he said. "Ask Hillary Clinton."

    A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll of Republicans put Perry in front as the candidate most likely to beat Obama. But a USA Today/Gallup poll suggests the latest hits from his rivals might have an impact. By more than 2-to-1, GOP voters said Perry's criticisms of Social Security would hurt rather than help his chances of being elected president.

    Independent voters were even more likely to say Perry's Social Security remarks would make him less attractive to them and the entire electorate.

    For now, Perry's rivals are taking a boiled-spaghetti approach: Throw everything against the wall, and see what sticks.

    Bachmann, the Minnesota congresswoman hurt by Perry's rise, is hammering his bid to require vaccines for Texas girls to combat a sexually transmitted disease that can cause cervical cancer.

    "I oppose anyone who mandates a family's health care choices and violates the rights of parents," Bachmann says in campaign video.

    She also has pointed out that the company that makes the vaccine, Merck & Co., employed Mike Toomey, Perry's former chief of staff, as a lobbyist in Texas, and that the drug company had donated to Perry's campaigns.

    In last week's debate, Perry noted that parents had the right to reject the vaccines. But he said he mishandled the policy, which was never implemented.

    Some of Perry's vulnerabilities stem from making the sort of concessions that virtually all governors make to balance competing interests. Despite boos from the debate audience last week, Perry defended his decision to grant in-state college tuition to illegal immigrants seeking citizenship.

    "I'm proud that we are having those individuals be contributing members of our society rather than telling them, `You go be on the government dole,'" Perry said.

    The stance has a pragmatic aura. And that could clash with Romney's efforts to paint Perry as an ideologue who's out of the mainstream on matters such as Social Security.

    Of course, there's a flip side to portraying Perry as too conservative on Social Security and too liberal on immigration and public health. It forces Romney, his closest challenger, to play Mr. Establishment on Social Security, and tea party advocate on immigration. That could be tricky for a man whose authenticity is sometimes questioned.

    Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., said he supports Bachmann and wants to be convinced of Romney's conservative credentials.

    Romney's Massachusetts health care record "is very damning to him, as well as some of his changing positions on major issues like abortion," Franks said, a reference to the health care plan that was the basis for Obama's overhaul law. He also cited "our uncertainty as conservatives as to what he would really truly do in terms of some of those great issues related to things like the Supreme Court."


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    Tips For Building a Strong Online Business! | | Free ...


    Whether you?re new to online marketing or a seasoned professional, most of us have gone through the same thought process of what it takes to become a successful online marketer. We?ve all thought about all the hard work and time that we must devote to make this whole marketing process become a reality in our lives. This is a process that requires commitment, self motivation and just plain hard work if we want to see a successful future in online marketing.

    This process can become as complicated as we permit it to become. There are steps in this process that must be addressed from the first day of exposure to online marketing until the day we die or quit promoting. Some individuals give up to quickly, and had they pursued their dreams for just a while longer they would have been rewarded with a profitable outcome for their efforts.

    We all know the drill we have to follow to get online, we have to get a domain, secure a good hosting program and promote our opportunity to be successful online, however, how many of us have really sat down and counted the cost of actually marketing effectively? Statics show that less than 5% of all people who attempt an online career actually make money online. Some experts say that less than 2-3% actually makes it, which is even more astounding.

    In some of our recent articles, we?ve talked about how to obtain a domain, get the hosting account and the step by step process we must all follow to even get started in this business. If you haven?t had a chance to review these articles, I think it would be well worth your time to read these writings and follow the process outlined. You can find the full series of over 200 of these articles at

    The first steps of learning this process, are obviously the most difficult to make a commitment to; and is substantiated by the 95%+ attrition rate in this business. However, by not learning the fundamentals of marketing you will never fulfill your dreams of success. There is no better time to start you new online journey than right now, so take that first step to this new and exciting online venture called internet marketing.

    Once you?ve put together a website and learned the basics of marketing, your work has just begun. Now you must focus on getting qualified traffic to your site and promoting your business opportunity for the masses on the internet to see. If you?re going to try promoting a niche market, this is another learning process you must study, understand and implement into your marketing strategy. You must analyze what people are actually looking for in any niche market and provide a solution for your online audience if you want to be successful.

    Keep in mind that in this venture you?re not going to be an overnight success as some may falsely promise. Be committed to pursue this dream for as long as it takes. Putting a time frame on your success will quickly kill your future when working online. Success may come for you in a few weeks, months, or even years, so have patience and stay focused and committed.

    Many times you will get discouraged, frustrated and impatient with the amount of traffic coming to your site and the visible results may seem nonexistent. Don?t give up, keep the faith and pursue your dreams and your dreams will come true in due time.

    Our goal here is to face these challenges head on and find solutions to fulfill our online goals. After understanding the problems and finding where to find solutions to these challenges your marketing journey will be so much clearer and accomplishing your goals will become a reality.

    First of all, understand the target market you want to receive traffic from. Traffic alone is not the total solution. You must learn, understand and have the ability to convert your new traffic into paying customers. Targeted, qualified traffic is of course the best traffic you can generate, so be sure and understand this part of the process as well.

    Always keep the content of your website updated with the most current facts and figures available. This same scenario should apply to any articles, blogs or other information published about your business opportunity. By doing regular studies and research on your niche market will help you to provide some new and exciting information to your reading audience on a regular basis. Information can be submitted in the form of blogs, newsletters or forums.

    Make sure your website is optimized for the users as well as the search engines. If you don?t know how to do this part of the process, then secure the services of a search engine optimization specialist. By having your site optimized properly by your specialist you will experience more traffic from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and other fine search engines. Users will also respond if your website is optimized correctly.

    By having your site optimized you will start generating more quality back links. The search engines places a great deal of emphasis on quality back links. The more quality back links that point to your site the more chance of increased traffic will come to your website from the search engines. This will help you to meet and beat your competition in this every changing competitive business world.

    The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your learning process. Call today for your free 30 minute ?no obligation? consultation.

    ?Let?s Build Your Business Together?

    Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

    Larry L Miller ? SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to ?Top Positions on Google? and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121


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