Like I have said in previous articles, the area in which I get the most resistance from readers of my website is the music industry. People want to believe that there are rock'n'roll rebels who speak for us and stand up for our rights, like they supposedly did in the 1960's. Therefore, the music industry must be the oasis in the vast desert where corruption, greed and power otherwise rules.?
Then, when I point out that the music industry (and the art and entertainment industry as a whole) is one of the major Illuminati assets and one of the most important ones, I get furious emails from people who think I am way out of line.
But they also have to have a plan after they have killed off most of us, so the surviving population can be easily controlled. This is done by feeding us with propaganda 24 hours/day. You can't get away from it, unless you build a cabin in the woods and live without electricity and connection with the rest of the society.
So let us think about it. If you were them, what would you think would be the most valuable industries to control in order to brainwash the world as a whole, besides controlling the banks and the money flow? Well, that would be the Media, wouldn't it? And with Media I mean not only the TV News and the newspapers. With Media I also mean the movie industry, the art industry and the music industry. With other words; every media that can reach millions of people at once.
If the Illuminati did not think this way, they would be very stupid, and you can blame them for a lot of things, but they are not stupid. So therefore, we have to assume they own the music and movie industries as well, right? At least it makes sense. And if they own these industries, do you think they would allow true rebels to influence the world population, unless of course, when it on occasion suits their Agenda?
So now we have logically figured out that the art industries are owned by the Illuminati Mafia, which consists of the Talmudic Jews and their puppets. So far, this is only assumptions. How can we prove that the art industry is owned by those same people?
This is not hard to do. It only takes a few minutes of research and the pieces come together. Take a look at the following; here below is a list of the seven major players of the Media. And guess what? They are all Jews.
Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:
Now we know for a fact that the major Entertainment Industries, the ones that count, are owned by Jews, exclusively, but it doesn't stop there.?
The Entertainment Industry (which I from here on out for simplicity will call the Industry, and by that I mean the Mainstream Media, the Movie Industry, the Music Industry and the Art Industry, if not otherwise specified) seems to favor Jewish artists, producers and managers.?
This is just the tip of the iceberg; the list goes on and on. Then if you include classical musicians, jazz musicians and film producers, the list will be very long. To further prove my point, here is a statement from Leonard Bernstein's (world leading Jewish conductor) biographer, Joan Peyser:
"The more one knows about Bernstein, the more complicated the portrait is of him as a Jew. Capable of working productively with anti-Semites, he still holds a soft spot in his heart for fellow Jews, whom he says he finds superior to all others. 'He is so adamant about music being Jewish,' [conductor and composer Gunther Schuller says]. 'It is important to him that a composer is a Jew, that a performer is a Jew. He told me that Triplum, my composition, has a Jewish soul. That is meant as a compliment. I am not a Jew. When Lenny says, 'You can almost be Jewish,' that is considered by him to be one of the most supreme of compliments.'" [PEYSER, J., 1987, p. 409] [8]Jazz music in particular was dominated by Jewish artists to the extent that almost all famous jazz musicians of its time were Jews. The Jewish Tin Pan Alley monopoly of the music business was solid for decades. As H.F. Mooney notes:
JEWISH ORIGINS OF ROCK'N'ROLL AND RHYTHM & BLUES? And rock and roll? The Jewish foundation continued. "The most famous and important [rhythm and blues disc jockey]," note Steve Chapple and Reebee Garofalo, "was ... Alan Freed, the father of Rock 'n' Roll ... Freed was credited with co-writing fifteen rock and roll hits including Chuck Berry's 'Maybelline,' but he did little more than promote any of them." [CHAPPLE, p. 56-57] A biography of Freed notes that "by 1956, there was no bigger name in rock and roll than Freed, except Elvis Presley [who was Jewish as well, editor's note]." [JACKSON, p. ix] (Another of America's best known early disc jockeys was also Jewish, Murray the K, aka Murray Kaufman).[10]"By 1941, the virtual monopoly of the ASCAP (American Society of Composers Authors, and Publishers, organized in 1914), which had practically protected New York's ascendancy in the music market, was broken by legal judgment. The consequent opening of broadcasting and recording channels to non-ASCAP composers and publishers, many of them unknowns outside the conventional musical establishment of Tin Pan Alley ... marked the end of an era of increasingly urbane New York composers.These had been heavily Jewish ...
As Syd Nathan, the owner of King Records, once said, "You want to be in the record business? The first thing you learn is that everyone is a liar." [WADE, p. 60] "The early rhythm and blues companies were run by a fraternity of Jews ... They were tough and they were shrewd ~ some say unscrupulous ~ and they were alternately loved, despised, respected, and feared.
The deep bond of these cultural outsiders prompted one gentile, mild rebuke in his voice, to comment that 'Yiddish was the second language of the record business." [COHODAS, N., p. 3-4, 2000] [10]There are a number of artists who have been cheated by greedy Jewish Record Companies, owned by Jewish businessmen. Many of those victims have been black, but far from everybody.
A few examples of musicians whom have been ripped off by the Jewish Music Industry where some of them filed lawsuits are: Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon and Bo Diddley.
The Rolling Stones once sued their Jewish manager, Allen Klein for $29 million. [SANDFORD, p. 164] Christopher Sandford notes that
"By midsummer [Rolling Stones singer Mick] Jagger was unable to mention his manager's name [Klein] calmly. Later he gave an interview in which he stated, 'Half the money I've made has been stolen. Most artists in show business suffer the same kind of thing... It's all the hangers-on and parasites. There are very few honest people in the profession." [SANDFORD, p. 139]
But the Talmud says very distinctly that for a Jew, it is absolutely fine to cheat and lie to a goy (non-Jew) and that you don't have to pay him wages owed him for work. Here are some passages from this lovely book, which states that Jews are human and non-Jews are not. Non-Jews are nothing but cattle and should be treated as such:
O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews. A Jew need not pay a Gentile ("Cuthean", which means a non-Jew) the wages owed him for work ~ Sanhedrin 57a"Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews" ~- Zohar I, 168a
"Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin" ~ Babba Kama 113a
Moving to the Folk Music era of the 1960s, we see that this too was totally Jew dominated. Israel Young ran the Folklore Center in New York's Greenwich Village in the 1960s. Fred Weintraub owned the well-known Bitter End nightclub. Manny Roth ran Cafe Wha?.?
Among the prominent Jewish folksingers of the era were Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, Jack Elliott, Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul, and Mary), David Blue (Cohen), and two (Fred Hellerman and Ronnie Gilbert) of the four Weavers. Ballad singer Leonard Cohen had a grandfather who was the first president of the Canadian Jewish Congress.?
Moe Asch (whose father, Sholem, was "the most widely read Yiddish writer of the twentieth century") [GOLDSMITH, P., p. 1] headed Folkway Records, the label that released recordings by Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger (manager: Harold Levanthal), Doc Watson, Black blues artist Leadbelly, Josh White, Black poet Langston Hughes, and ethnic performers from around the world. (Woody Guthrie's wife, Marjorie Gleenblatt Mazia, was Jewish, and their child, Cathy Ann, was "raised as a Jew." [POLLAK, O, p. 12])Guthrie even lived with Marjorie in a Jewish neighborhood in Coney Island. Asch got into the recording business with a connection to David Sarnoff, the eventual head of NBC-RCA. [GOLDSMITH, P., p. 60] A later version of Folkways was Verve/Folkways, which featured Tim Hardin, Richard Havens, and Jewish artists Laura Nyro and Janis Ian. (Nyro's original name was Nigro, and her name was changed for fear that people might call her "Negro.") [KING, T., 2000, p. 73]?
Bob Dylan is a full-blooded Jew; both his parents were Jewish, and his real name is Robert Zimmerman. The manager who can take most credit for making Dylan known is probably the Jew Albert Grossman, a ruthless businessman with bad reputation. He later became the owner of Bearsville Records. [12] Grossman helped George Wein [Jew] organize the first Newport Folk Festival, in 1959, a festival which became big in folk music.?It is interesting to see how Bob Dylan surrounds himself with Jewish friends and musicians, such as Allen Ginsberg, Mike Bloomfield, Tiny Tim and Robbie Robertson to name a few. He even nominated Ginsberg to being the greatest poet ever, and has often praised Jewish artists and musicians before non-Jews.?
The Talmud says it is perfectly okay to cheat and play around with goyim (non-Jews) and rip them off. Dylan is no exception. He stole, cheated and betrayed wherever he could in the beginning of his career to reach the fame he so obsessively desired.?
He used famous musicians like Joan Baez to boost his career, even had a love affair with her, and then when he didn't need her anymore, in Talmudic Jewish manner, he abandoned her and married a Jewish woman, Sara Lowndes. Moreover, he stole songs and ideas from other musicians and recorded them as his own. Examples are "Blowing in the Wind", the special version he recorded of the traditional song "House of the Rising Sun" and "Baby Let Me Follow You Down".?
He also borrowed a whole record collection from a person to use as inspiration, without giving it back. Not until the owner, together with a big guy knocked on Dylan's door to get the record collection back, Dylan returned it, avoiding to get beaten up by smooth talking the tough guy. [13]Early in Dylan's career, "when a girlfriend's mother challenged his lies and said she thought Zimmerman was his real name, he called her an anti-Semite, as if a mere description of the truth was bigotry." [RUBIN, p. 94]
Dylan in T'fillin, CIRCA 1971
Dylan, who early in his career hid his Jewish past and made up various lies (he was from Oklahoma, etc.) about his background, nonetheless joined the Jewish fraternity house at the University of Minnesota in 1959, Sigma Alpha Mu. [SCADUTO, p. 26] After becoming rich and famous singing about social justice, in the 1980s, "Dylantologist" A. J. Weberman declared that the famous singer
"is an ultra-Zionist. He is doing the tour to raise money for Israel. He has given large sums of money to Israel in the name of Abraham Zimmerman." [SPITZ, p. 430]
Newsweek and Time each reported that Dylan had indeed donated sums to the Jewish state, and even the far right-wing Jewish Defense League. [SPITZ, p. 407] A biographer, Anthony Scaduto, noted earlier, in 1971,
"At this writing, Dylan's search for personal salvation seems to be coming around full circle, back to the religion of his fathers. Bob has started to study Judaism, and Hebrew. Dylan, who gets so Gemini-enthused about everything, has made several trips to Israel in the last year to 'sniff the breeze' as his friends put it. He has reportedly donated some of his funds to help support at least one kibbutz there.?
Folksinger Theo Bikel [also Jewish, and a Zionist activist] adds:?
'Dylan has told me that Israel appears to be one of the few places left in the world where life has any meaning.'?
He has even attended several meetings of the militant Jewish Defense League. The JDL's head, Meir Kahane, [charged by many, including Jews, as a racist and fascist] will say only that Dylan has 'come around a couple times to see what we're all about' and has promised to donate money to the organization. Dylan refuses to discuss it." [SCADTO, p. 274]
Another Jewish entrepreneur, Maynard Solomon, headed another prominent folk-oriented record label, Vanguard, which featured Joan Baez, Buffy St. Marie, Eric Anderson, among others.?
Another folk label in Chicago, Flying Fish, was founded by Bruce Kaplan. Jewish popular musical performers are many and varied, including the Beastie Boys ("widely castigated for glorifying sex and violence") [ANDERSON, 1991, p. 173], Bette Midler, Billy Joel, Barry Manilow, Randy Newman, Carly Simon (one of the heirs to the Simon-Schuster publishing house fortune), Helen Reddy, Lesley Gore, David Lee Roth of Van Halen, Lou ("Take a Walk on the Wild Side") Reed, [BELL, I., 6-1-93, p. 12] and Mountain's Leslie [Weinstein] West.?
Donald Fagen co-founded Steely Dan. Marty Friedman of Megadeth is Jewish, as is Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac, Marty Balin of Jefferson Airplane, Marc Knopfler of Dire Straits, Paul Stanley (Stanley Eisen) and Gene Simmons (born Chaim Whitz in Haifa, Israel) of Kiss, Perry Farrell (Perry Bernstein; son of a diamond dealer) of Jane's Addiction, Kevin Dubrow (lead singer of Quiet Riot), Slash of Guns 'n Roses, Geddy Lee (of Rush ~ born Gar Lee Weinrib), Eric Bloom (lead singer of Blue Oyster Cult), Robbie Robertson, Warren Zevon, Jeff Beck, Mick Jones (of the Clash), Gavin Rossdale (head of Bush), Jay (Blatt) and the Americans, Marc Bolan of T-Rex, Manfred Mann (Lubowitz), Norman Greenbaum, Phranc (a Jewish lesbian folksinger), and Howard Kaylan and Mark Volman of the Turtles.?
And on and on. Jewish interest in the subject notes that ukulele-rooted Tiny Tim's mother was Jewish, Donovan's mother was Jewish, Cyndi Lauper's father is Jewish, Country Joe MacDonald's mother is Jewish, Twisted Sister's Dee Snider's father was Jewish and on and on. [JEWHOO, 2000; BOUCHER, G., 4-17-01, p. 62; TAYLOR, L., 12-27-00, p. F5]]?
Even the 1998 "Eurovision Song Contest winner" ~ featuring an event watched by 100 million people in 33 countries ~ was Israeli transsexual Dana International, born Yaran Cohen).Not Jewish? Want to make it in the music business? Enhance your chances by learning Yiddish:?
"Even gentiles learned to salt their language with pinches of Yiddish, the industry's vernacular. Courtney Love, not long before her own major label debut at Geffen Records, began boning up with the help of Leo Rosten's The Joys of Yiddish. 'I'm going to blow the minds of all those shemedricks at the record company,' Courtney said. She would even sometimes refer to her dispute with Kat [of the all-female band Babes in Toyland] over who was the first to wear a baby-doll dress onstage as 'that shmatte' controversy.'" [KARLEN, N., 1994, p. 146]?
More Jews: The magazine "Bible" of rock and roll music, Rolling Stone, was founded by Jewish entrepreneur Jann Wenner. Wenner is also "the single most important person behind" Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. [HINCKLEY, D., p. 9] Joel Siegel, later prominent as a film critic, was also "TV's first rock and roll reporter." [SLEWINSKI, C., 3-23-99, p. 102]?
"To my surprise," writes Jewish author Michael Billig, "song after well-known pop song, revealed itself to 'Jewish music,' from [Elvis] Presley to the soft sounds of the Drifters to [producer] Phil Spector. So much of the rebellion-music which I had loved in my youth and which seemed to be a window to a foreign, dangerous world, turned out to be a product of familiar surroundings. Surprise was mixed with delight." [ARNOT, C., 10-4-2000, p. 6]
What about the Beatles, the Liverpool group who changed the world with their music? Oh yes, they had close Jewish connections as well. Brian Epstein, their agent/manager and Sid Bernstein, their promoter, were both Jewish.
Brian [Epstein] signed over to Dick James [a music publisher] 50 percent of Lennon and McCartney's publishing fees for nothing. It made him wealthy beyond imagination in eighteen months." [BROWN/GAINES, 1983, p. 186]?
After Epstein's death, in 1969 James sold the rights to the Beatles songs from under them. "It was the single most contentious deal arising from the Epstein-James era. "The Beatles were angry at what they regarded as betrayal." [COLEMAN, p. 306] Marc Elliot notes that James sold "his interest in Northern Songs to the notorious [British Jewish media mogul] Lew Grade, known in the film industry as Low Grade." [ELLIOT, p. 158] Epstein also had "good communication" with Grade's brother, Bernard Delfont, "one of the czars of London show business." [COLEMAN, p. 245-246]
The landmark 1969 Woodstock Musical Festival was the entrepreneurial investment of four young Jews: Joel Rosenman, John Roberts (heir to a pharmaceutical fortune), Artie Kornfeld, and Michael Lang.?
The person hired to pull the whole project together was Stanley Goldstein. Mel Laurence (born Melvin Bernard Lachs) was also the Director of Operations for the festival creators, Woodstock Ventures. Bert Cohen, of Concert Hall Publications, soon joined the production team for various tasks. [SPITZ, 1979]?
The first employee of Woodstock ventures was Rene Levine, a bookkeeper and another Jew, Alex Jaffee, was the company's accountant. In a book chapter called "Buying Off the Underground," Joel Rosenman recalls when he and others of the Woodstock Ventures investment team went to Greenwich Village's East Village Other "counterculture" newspaper to buy them off, guaranteeing that prominent members of that anti-capitalist community wouldn't cause problems with the economic exploitation of the supposedly anti-materialist Love Generation.?
Famed radical (and Jewish) agitator Abbie Hoffman demanded $10,000 from Woodstock Ventures, "or else that fucking festival you guys are planning is gonna end up around your ass." [ROSENMAN/ROBERTS/PILPEL, p. 102].?
The disastrous 1999 Woodstock Festival was also headed by Michael Lang, and John Scher. It ended in rioting, vandalism, injuries, arrests, and sexual crimes. [MORSE, S., 7-27-99]Non-Jewish musical stars, caught in the Judeocentric web of the musical world, often support Jewish/Israeli ethnocentric interests on behalf of their Jewish friends and managers. Among the old Geffen stable, for example, in 2002 a news item noted that Don Henley of the Eagles was "donating the $7,900 from the sale [of his guitar at auction] to the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas for use in supporting Israel and Jewish organizations." [TOP FORTY CHARTS, 6-12-02]?
That same year, the Jewish Week wondered:
(That same year, the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz noted that the new Wisenthal "tolerance" Center in Jerusalem was built on a Muslim cemetery)."What?s one of the world?s greatest rock stars doing at a Jewish benefit dinner? The answer came Monday night when Bono, the voice and wordsmith driving the fabulously popular band U2, became the first rock and roll personality to receive the Humanitarian Laureate Award from the Simon Wiesenthal Center." [Jewish Week, 11-22-02]
In the rock and roll world which is so heavily Jewish, there are apparently different levels of what is considered to be morally offensive, including the usual admonition: Thou Shalt Not Offend Jews (Others, especially Christianity? ~ No problem).?
As Leah Garchik wrote in 2002, "Marilyn Manson reveals in Rolling Stone's new book 'Tattoo Nation: Portraits of Celebrity Body Art" that Madonna's manager, who was thinking of signing Manson, called Manson's manager to inquire about whether the rocker had a swastika among his many tattoos. 'Of course not,' said Manson's manager. 'One of the guys in the band is Jewish.' 'Oh, OK,' said Madonna's manager. 'We don't have a problem with the Satanism, but we can't deal with any kind of Nazism.'" [GARCHIK, L., 11-7-02, p. D14]
PUNK ROCKThe "godfather of punk," manager and "mastermind" of the seminal "punk" band ~ the Sex Pistols, was Great Britain's Malcolm McLaren. He was also the manager of the New York Dolls, Adam Ant, and Boy George. According to Sex Pistol lead singer Johnny Rotten, his manager was "the most evil man alive." [HARRIS, M., 8-19-94, p. 11; SHAW, D., 12-16-99, p. 5]?
McLaren "was brought up by his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Corre, a formidable woman from a very rich Sephardic Jewish family." [BARBER, L., 12-22-91, p. 8]?
The anarchistic Sex Pistols, notes the London Independent, were "brought into being quite cynically by Malcolm McLaren as an advertising gimmick to promote sales of the fetishistic clothes and other devices designed and sold by himself and Vivienne Westwood." [GRAHAM-DIXON, 8-19-95, p. 2]?
The Ramones are also a candidate for the most influential punk band. The head of the Ramones, Joey Ramone ~ born Jeffrey Hyman ~ is also Jewish. [TAYLOR, L., 12-27-00, p. F5]RAP MUSIC
The Jew Howie Klein founded the "punk" rock label 415. Joseph Heller, formerly of Heller-Fischel, booked acts like Styx, the Electric Light Orchestra, Boz Scaggs, and a variety of others. "He represented top-drawer rock talent like Van Morrison, the Guess Who, Marvin Gaye, War, Elton John and Pink Floyd." [SNYDER, N., 2-19-01]?
Stretching out as dangerously as possible to make a buck, Heller eventually gravitated towards a relative goldmine in the Black ghetto-based "gangsta rap." He cofounded Ruthless Records and managed the pioneer rap group NWA (Niggaz With Attitude) from early in their careers. The musical genre of gangsta rap, notes Jory Farr, "thrives on misogyny, as well as homophobic and race-baiting rage ... [It] was the perfect music for [a] lifestyle loaded down ... with warnings of betrayal, murder, revenge, and a short life." [FARR, p. 70]"I believed that rap would become the most important music of the nineties," said Heller, "... [But] you can't sell two million rap records to kids in the inner city. That's a way to sell 200,000. You have to market it to the white kids." [FARR, p. 68, 71]?
Heller hired Ira Selsky as his corporate attorney and an Israeli-born security chief named Michael Klein to ward off angry, exploited Blacks who quite literally walked into his office threatening to kill him. Rap star Ice Cube even threatened Heller in one of his recorded songs, prompting the Anti-Defamation League to flag it as anti-Semitic. Ruthless Records released a Jewish rap duo called Blood of Abraham. As Chuck D, the lead vocalist for the Black rap group Public Enemy, noted,
"There's no way to get trained on the seamier elements of the music business being on the street ~ that element is reserved for boardrooms." [D, CHUCK, p. 85]
Those in Chuck D's reminiscences about "boardroom" behavior include Lyor Cohen (manager of Rush Productions, and an Israeli); Al Teller, an executive at MCA whose parents died in the Holocaust; Steve Ralbovsky of CBS; Bill Adler (a publicist); and Rick Rubin of Def Jam Records. (Jewish diamond dealer Jacob Arabo has made the news as a favored jewelry merchant to the Black rap crowd that seeks to symbolize wealth and power, or, as the New York Times put it, "the jeweler who gives most of today's leading rappers their shine." [CENTURY, p. 1]?
SO WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN?If you have followed me and read this article so far, at least you must have asked yourself why there are so many Jews in power within the Industry. It can't be a coincidence.?
Is it just that Jews are better businessmen than us 'goyim'?
This is what we hear over and over as an explanation to why there are so many Jews in charge of big Businesses.?
We learn that it is in their blood, and that it is nothing wrong with that.
It is in their blood, alright, that's for sure. It would all be fine and dandy if these business-minded people played it fair. So why are these Jews in high position (and even ordinary Jewish musicians in some cases) so unreliable, unethical and immoral??
I guess we have already answered that question to some extent. They ARE business-minded and they follow the Talmud! They believe it's God's will that they act like this and treat the rest of us like cattle.?
But which God? Most Jews believe their God is Jehovah, like it says in the Torah (the Old Testament). But that is just the every-day Jew on the street.?
Like any secret society, Judaism is no exception; you only know what you need to know. If you want to get a clue to who the REAL God in Judaism is, maybe Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a Talmudic Jew, can give you some answers. In the 1970's, Rosenthal was interviewed by Walter White Jr., and when the interview was over, Mr. White was shaken and nauseated due to what he had just heard Mr. Rosenthal confesses without any remorse. You can read the whole article here, but I warn you ~ it is very disturbing reading.?However, to you whom already know that these people are using the Talmud in their daily life, this doesn't come as too much of a surprise, although EVERYBODY should read "The Rosenthal Interview", nonetheless.
You will hear Mr. Rosenthal say that what the average Jew doesn't know is that the God in Judaism is Lucifer, and that the Jews are Lucifer's chosen people.
Then, on a deeper level, of course, we can discuss who Lucifer really is, but that is subject to other articles, already posted elsewhere on my website.
Anyway, if we agree to that this world is run by a secret organization that we for simplicity call the Illuminati, and there is overwhelming evidence for that, then we know that these people do everything they can to control business, politics, education and entertainment.?
That is the easiest way to streamline the masses into thinking in certain directions that they want us to think. So to be able to find out who is controlling us, we just follow the money and look at who is running things.?
To our amazement, we find out that this world is run by Talmudic Jews, whom do everything they can to create a slave society with them in charge over us, the cattle.?
Does this sound anti-Semitic??
For those who don't know better and are still buying into the Programming, it might, but if we look a little deeper, two things come to show:
There is clear evidence that Jews are running the show, and the truth is the truth. Call it anti-Semitic if you like.
Most people would answer the question whether the modern Jew is of Hebrew or Semitic origin with a clear "yes"! Wrong! Most Jews in modern society have nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews of biblical times. For decades we never thought of even questioning the basic assumption that the modern day Jew is a Semite. [14]The Jews we are talking about are not even Semites! They are all descending from the old Khazar tribes and have nothing to do with the OT Jews and "God's chosen people". The Semites are, according to the highly authoritative Oxford Universal Dictionary, 1944 (p. 1838) the people belonging to the race of mankind which includes most of the peoples mentioned in Genesis 10 as descended from Shem, son of Noah, as the Arabs, Hebrews, Assyrians and Arameans, and speaking a Semitic language as their native tongue.
So why do you think that the Anti Defamation League (ADL) and other "Jewish Protection Organizations" go berserk as soon as anybody mentions the word Jew in a negative context??
Is there ANY word in ANY language that is more charged than the word Jew??
I don't know, I haven't researched that, but wouldn't be surprised if the answer is 'no'. And by common sense, where you get the most attacks and most resistance is where the 'secrets dwell'.?
Here is something they really want to hide, and they do it by calling those whom are about to find out the truth anti-Semitic. The truth is that the real anti-Semites are the Jews themselves, because they are attacking such people as the Arabs all the time ~ the real Semites as we saw earlier.
The way the Industry works has been covered by me in previous articles, like "Mind Control in the Field of Art" and I highly recommend that you read it, and also all other articles I have posted in the "I Sold My Soul to Rock'n'Roll and Mind Control" section of my website. You who doubted me may now be able to restudy this section with new eyes, and perhaps you will find that it makes more sense.I will not repeat myself here, due to that I have covered this subject in details in the above articles, but rely on that you do your own further research there and elsewhere too for that matter.
IN SUMMARYThere is no doubt that the Entertainment Industries are run by the Illuminati Talmudic Jews and that their Agenda is clear. The Industries are run by criminals with two main purposes in mind:
To make lots of money with whatever methods available. Nothing is holy and murder is accepted, if necessary.
To manipulate people into accepting the New World Order and a One World Government. This is done in different overt and covert ways, also covered in the above sections of my website as mentioned under "How the Music Industry Works" here above. Only artists they can control will be promoted and accepted, or artists that they can make a big buck out of and later conform or waste. If dropping them makes them "talk", or if a 'bad situation' is eminent, there is always 'other means' to take care of the uncomfortable situation (read John Lennon and 2PAK).
I hope this article has made things a little clearer and as always, don't take my word for it. I strongly encourage you to do your own research if you still don't think this is evidence enough.
[3] ^? Here I want to make an important disclaimer: Although this planet is run by the Jewish Cabal, I want to emphasize that this article is NOT an attack on the average Jew on the street, who has no part in this plot against humanity. I am talking about the Talmudic Jews, the Khazar Jews, who are the Power Elite, running this planet behind the scenes. This is a very important statement to make. I know for a fact that the 'average Jew', who becomes aware of this plot,?reacts in the same way as you and I do ~ they strongly oppose it! [13] ^ Bob Dylan: Chronicles Vol. 1
Alleged conversation between John Todd and David Crosby:Todd: "Do they still bring the master [recording] to the Temple...and conjure demons into the master? Is the purpose of rock music still to use witchcraft, cast spells...?"
Crosby: "Of course. You know that, Lance."
Don?t get your knickers in a twist over the following list dear readers. This is simply a list of musicians, singers, musical entertainers we have known and in many cases loved over the years.? No more no less.? Some played a part. Some had real talent. Some were plagiarists. A few were betrayed and a few betrayed us. Some of these folks their music is just so fine that it doesn't matter who they are but they are the minority. Here I think of Robbie Robertson's work with the Red Road Ensemble "Music for The Native Americans".? It's just a list.
Paula Abdul?
Lou Adler (Producer for The Mamas and The Papas)
Herb Alpert
Asleep at the Wheel: founder/vocalist/guitarist Ray Benson, b. Ray Seifert. Also Lucky Oceans, b. Reuben Gosfield
Burt Bacharach
Marty Balin (Jefferson Airplane)
Jeff Barry (Producer of The Archies)
The Beastie Boys (Aam Horowitz, Adam Yauch amd Michael Diamond)
Jeff Beck
Dan Bern
Roy Bittan (The E-Street Band)
Mike Bloomfield (Paul Butterfield Band and guitarist for Bob Dylan)
Blues Project: Al Kooper, Danny Kalb, Steve Katz, Roy Blumenfeld, Andy Kulberg. Amongst themselves referred to the band as the "Jews Project."
Marc Bolen (T.Rex)
Michael Bolton
Randy Brecker (Blood,Sweat and Tears)
Gary Brooker (Procol Harum)
David Bryan (Bon Jovi)
Eric Carmen
Leonard Cohen (No Kidding)
Bobby Colomby (Blood,Sweat and Tears)
Alice Cooper
Jim Croce (Converted)
The Cyrkle (Don Danneman and Marty Fried)
Sammy Davis, Jr.
Clive Taylor Dayne
Paul Desmond: well-known clarinetist/Dave Brubeck sideman. Wrote Brubeck hit "Take Five"
Neil Diamond (The Jewish Elvis)
Donovan P. Leitch (known as Donovan, who had a mega-hit with Buffy St. Marie's "Universal Soldier" in the 60's)
Spencer Dryden (Jefferson Airplane)
Adam Duritz (The Counting Crows)
Bob Dylan (The former Mr. Zimmerman)
Ramblin' Jack Elliott
Jakob Dylan
Elliot Easton: guitarist, The Cars (b. Elliot Shapiro)
Mama Cass Elliott of Mamas and the Papas allegedly b. Naomi Cohen
Ramblin Jack Elliott: b. Elliott Adnopoz
Brian Epstein
Howie Epstein (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers)
Marianne Faithfull
The Flamingos (Met in the oldest Black Jewish Congregation in the US)
Alan Fried
Kinky Friedman
Kenny G
Art Garfunkel?
J Geils Band (Peter Wolf, Seth Justman, Magic Dick (Dick Salwitz), Danny Klein, Stephen Jo Bladd) (according to Jay Geils, he was the only gentile of the group, and they jokingly called themselves the J Geils Jews Band ~ the original name of the group was J Geils Blues Band).
Arlo Guthrie
Benny Goodman
Leslie Gore
Peter Green (Original Fleetwood Mac)
Guster (Phish)
Marvin Hamlisch
Mickey Hart (The Grateful Dead)
Susanna Hoffs (The Bangles)
Janis Ian
Jay and the Americans (The entire original band)
Billy Joel (Both Parents are Jewish)
Mick Jones (The Clash, Mother was Jewish)
Steve Katz (The Blues Project/Blood Sweat and Tears)
Jorma Kaukonen (Hot Tuna, Jefferson Airplane): It is not commonly known that Jorma's mother is Jewish. He told me himself, and also spoke of spending a lot of time as a youngster with his Jewish maternal grandparents.
Carole King
Don Kirschner
The Knack (All four members)
Marc Knopfler (Dire Straits)
Al Kooper
Joey Kramer (Aerosmith Drummer)
Lenny Kravitz (Father is Jewish)
Robbie Krieger (The Doors)
Leiber and Stoller (Did Elvis know?)
Gary Lewis & the Playboys: b. Gary Levitch, son of comedian Jerry Lewis
Fred Lipsuis (Blood, Sweat and Tears)
Lisa Loeb
Courtney Love (Try bringing that home to mother)
Stan Lynch (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers)
Joe McDonald (Country Joe & the Fish)
Manfred Mann: b. Michael Lubowitz (Johannesburg)
Barry Manilow
Richard Meltzer (Blue Oyster Cult)
Bette Midler
Randy Newman
Phil Ochs
Lee Oskar (War)
Steven Page (Barenaked Ladies)
Sandy Pearlman (Blue Oyster Cult)
Peter Paul and Mary: Peter Yarrow, Mary Travers (not Noel Paul Stookey, however)
Elvis Presley
Trevor Rabin (Yes)
Joey Ramone
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Anthony Kiedis, Michael Balzary (Flea), Hillel Slovak)
Lou Reed
Keith Reid (Procol Harum)
Robbie Robertson: solo artist, founding member and guitarist of The Band.It is not common knowledge that Robertson's natural father was Jewish. Robertson's mother was of native ancestry.
David Lee Roth
Rick Rubin (Def Jam Records)
Rush: Geddy (Gideon) Lee, Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson
Leon Russell
Neil Sedaka
John Segal (Twisted Sister)
Gene Simmons (Kiss, his poor mother)
Carly Simon
Paul Simon
Slash (Guns &Roses)
Phil Spector
Paul Stanley (See Gene Simmons)
Ringo Starr (Beatles)
Steely Dan: Donald Fagen, Walter Becker
Chris Stein (Blondie)
Barbara Streisand
Syvain Sylvain (The New York Dolls)
10 CC (4 members of the band were Jewish)
Tiny Tim
The Tokens
The Turtles/Flo and Eddie: Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan
Max Weinberg (Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band)
Jerry Weiss (Blood Sweat and Tears)
Leslie West (Mountain)
Zal Yanovsky (The Lovin Spoonful)
Warren Zevon (Father was Jewish)
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